- 1/31/25
New Live stuff is up!
Also, check out the riffs!
The new song still needs some work!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 12/31/24
New riffs are up!
A new song is in the works for the new year!
Be sure to visit again!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 11/30/24
Check out the new song and riffs!
Updates to the site in the near future!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 10/31/24
Monthly Riffs are up!
I’m workin on new stuff so visit again!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 9/30/24
New Riffs are up!
Updates on the way!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 8/31/24
It’s been a while since a did a double song release!
Golden Cage and From Open Skies are up on the home page!
Check out the new riffs as well!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 7/31/24
Check out the new riff!
More stuff on the way!
The anniversary brings new things!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 6/30/24
A new riff is up!
Be sure to visit again for more updates!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 5/31/24
Updates have arrived!
Check out the updates on the collection, riff and home pages!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 4/30/24
All the Times is up on the home page!
More updates are being prepared so be sure to check the site again!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 3/31/24
A new song is up!
Check out the riff and be sure to visit again!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 2/29/24
Check out another new song!
The new riff is up as well!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 1/31/24
A new song for a new year!
A new riff as well and more updates are on the way!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 12/31/23
A year ends, a year begins!
Into the mix, outs and ins!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 11/30/23
A new riff is up!
Updates on the way!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 10/31/23
The new riff is up!
Visit again!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 9/30/23
The riff section is updated!
New music on the way!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 8/31/23
New riff and Pics are up!
I’m working on some new stuff so visit again!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 7/31/23
Happy Anniversary to this site!
A new riff is up!
I’m feeling inspired to make some new stuff so check back again!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 6/30/23
New Live stuff is up!
Check out the new riff as well!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 5/31/23
Check out the riff section!
The new stuff is on the way!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 4/30/23
There’s a new riff up!
Some new stuff is in the works!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 3/31/23
The Riff and Electric Sections are updated!
Thanks for checking out the site and visit again!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 2/28/23
Another riff up!
More updates are on the way!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 1/31/23
A new song is up!
The Collection, Riff and Home Pages have been updated!
Check back again for more updates!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 12/31/22
May the New Year be yours!
New riff on the page!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 11/30/22
Riff section is updated!
Still workin on the new song… stay tuned!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 10/31/22
Check out the new riff!
More updates are incoming!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 9/30/22
A new riff is up!
This year is flying by! Thanks for visiting!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 8/27/22
Riff and Collection additions have been uploaded!
See you soon with more updates!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 7/31/22
All videos have been converted to inhouse play! This means that everyone now has access!
A new riff is up!
I am working on new stuff! Happy happy anniversary!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 6/30/22
It’s Electric!, IAOO and the monthly riff have all been updated!
Thanks for checking out the site and have a fun summer!
Be sure to visit again as I am constantly working on new things!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 5/31/22
The riff section is updated!
More stuff on the way!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 4/30/22
The Collection and Riff sections have been updated!
More updates to come!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 3/31/22
Check out the new riff!
Stay tuned for more updates!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 2/28/22
A new song is up!
The monthly riff section is also updated!
Say no to war and yes to guitar!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 1/31/22
Check out the new riff!
The new song is nearly done, just putting the finishing touches on it!
Thanks for visiting and check back again!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 12/31/21
A new riff is up!
Happy New Year!
Be sure to check back soon!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 11/30/21
A new riff of the month is up!
Some new stuff is in the works so visit the site again!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 10/31/21
One more in the Collection and the Riff of the Month section has been updated!
I am working on the new Contact page so some changes may be on the way!
Thanks for visiting the site!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 9/30/21
Updates are here!
Check out the new ones in the collection and riff sections!
Also, It’s Electric! has been updated!
Oh and before I forget! Happy 10 years to this website!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 8/31/21
How are you?
Check out the two new ones in the collection section!
Also, be sure to visit the monthly riff page!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 7/31/21
The monthly riff section has been updated!
New stuff in the works!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 6/30/21
Hey all! A new song is up on the home page!
Also check out the new ones in the riff and collection sections!
More updates are on the way!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 5/31/21
Check out the new riff!
I’m still working on some new stuff!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 4/30/21
It’s Electric! has been updated!
A new riff for the month is up as well!
I’m working on some new stuff, so check back again. Thanks for visiting!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 3/31/21
Check out the updates to the site!
There is a new song on the home page, a new monthly riff and also another one in the Collection!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 2/28/21
A new riff is up!
Visit again for more new content!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 1/31/21
I wanted to start this year off with some new music!
Check out the new song both on the home page and the electric section!
Other additions have been added as well such as two new ones in the Collection and the one in the riff of the month section!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 12/31/20
Two new ones on the Collection Page!
New riff up as well! Happy New Year!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 11/30/20
Hey, listen to the new one on the Collection Page as well as the riff of the month!
Visit again and thanks for checking out the site!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 10/31/20
A selection has been added to the Collection section!
I am still working on some new stuff so check back again…In the meantime, have a great Halloween!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 9/30/20
Check out the updates!
I’m working on some new stuff so be sure to check back again!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 8/31/20
The site has been updated!
A new riff is up as well as two additions to the Collection Section!
Also, check out the electric version of It’s Time!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 7/31/20
In honor of the 9 year anniversary for this site, a new section has been added!
Please check out the Collection section!
More updates are coming so be sure to stop by again!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 6/30/20
The new song is up!
Be sure to check again next month for more updates!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 5/31/20
Check out the new riff!
The new song is still in progress!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 4/30/20
A new Riff is up!
I am working on another song so be sure to check back again!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 3/31/20
The IAOO section has been updated!
Check that out as well as the new riff!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 2/29/20
Check out the new riff!
Be sure to check back again!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 1/31/20
New Riff is up!
Visit Again!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 12/31/19
The new song is up!
Happy New Year!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 11/30/19
New riff is up!
Be sure to visit again!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 10/31/19
Check out the new riff!
A new song is in the works!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 9/30/19
A new riff is up!
Check back again!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 8/31/19
Check out the new Electric Section!
Be sure to visit again and of course, Thanks!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 7/31/19
New Riff is up!
Not Only Me will be electrified next month!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 6/30/19
Check out the new riff!
The electric section will be updated soon!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 5/31/19
The new song is up!
Not Only Me will probably be done electrically so check back again for that!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 4/30/19
Check out the updated riff!
I am aiming to put up the new song next month!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 3/31/19
Monthly Riff has been updated!
I am working on a new song!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 2/28/19
New Riff is up!
Check back again!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 1/31/19
Check out the new riff!
Come back again soon!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 12/30/18
New song and Riff is up!
Happy New Year to you!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 11/30/18
New riff is up!
I will put up a new song before the year ends!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 10/31/18
Halloween again!
Check out the new riff! I’m still working on the new song!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 9/30/18
Another riff is up!
I am working on some new stuff!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 8/31/18
A new riff is up!
Check back soon!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 7/31/18
So Anyway is up on the home page and a new riff is up as well!
7 year anniversary for the site!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 6/30/18
Same Riff…Same page for the most part.
I need more time for the new song…It’s done but I wanna put some finishing touches on it!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 5/31/18
New riff is up on the page!
I’m pushin the new song for next month!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 4/30/18
Check out the new Riff!
I am working on some new stuff!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 3/31/18
New Riff is up!
Spring is here to alter your steps!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 2/28/18
Check out the new song This Shadow!
A new riff is, of course, also up!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 1/31/18
I’m working on a new song for next month!
Be sure to visit again!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 12/31/17
New riff is up!
Check back again in the twenty eighteen!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 11/30/17
New Pics are up!
Check out the new riff and thanks for visiting!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 10/31/17
Halloween is upon us!
New riff is up and Pics will be moved to next month!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 9/30/17
Check out the new song and riff!
Pics will probably be next!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 8/31/17
New Riff is up!
Another song is in the works!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 7/27/17
Aforementioned new stuff is up so check it out!
6 years! Hoowhee…how different are things?
- *******************************************************************************************
- 6/30/17
Check out the new Riff of the Month!
I am working on some new stuff so be sure to check back again!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 5/31/17
New Riff up!
The live stuff will have to wait as I was pretty busy lately, but check back again soon!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 4/30/17
It’s Electric has been updated!
Maybe some live stuff next! I am keeping the same Riff of the Month up for this month as well!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 3/30/17
New song is up on the homepage!
Check out the new riff as well!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 2/28/17
Check out the new riff of the month!
I’m workin on some new stuff for next month!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 1/30/17
New updates! New chants!
Now let’s be clear Lol… Pics and a new song are up!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 12/30/16
New riff is up!
I know I have mentioned other updates such as pics. They will arrive next month!
For now, enjoy all we have left of this calendar year!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 11/30/16
Check out the new riff and also the written work!
More updates to come!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 10/30/16
Big Updates are abound!
Maybe some pics next!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 9/30/16
New Riff up!
Updates are a comin’
- *******************************************************************************************
- 8/31/16
Here and There has some drum machine added to it!
Sideways Sidewalk is on the riff page for about a month!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 7/26/16
New song and Riff up!
5 years and going strong!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 6/30/16
Check out the new section…Written Works!
More updates to come!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 5/26/16
Another song is up!
More updates are coming!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 4/30/16
New riff up!
A new song is in the works so check back again!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 3/31/16
Hey all hope you are doing well! Check out the new song!
New pics are up as well!
Also, I have a show coming up on April 14th of this year…At Green House Café in Brooklyn 7 PM…Come on down!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 2/29/16
Happy Leap Year! We need all the hours we can get!
Check out some pics!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 1/31/16
The Live and Riff of the Month sections have been updated!
More updates are on the way!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 12/31/15
Check out the new song on the home page!
Happy New Year!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 11/30/15
New song has been uploaded onto the home page!
Thanks for visiting. Check back soon!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 10/28/15
The site has been updated! Check it out!
More updates are coming!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 9/30/15
Hey hey check out the new Live stuff!
Also, new monthly riff up!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 8/31/15
New song is up and check out the riff of the month as well!
Some Live stuff possibly next!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 7/30/15
WooHoo! A solid 4 years!
Check out the new song on the home page!
Other updates have been made as well!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 6/29/15
Updates galore!
There are updates on the home page, Riff of the Month, Instances and other Occurrences as well as the Drum Machine section!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 5/30/15
New section…Drum Machine…Is up!
More to come!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 4/27/15
Another song is up on home page!
Check it out!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 3/23/15
The site has been updated!
Check out the new pics!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 2/26/15
A new song is up!
More updates will be on the site next month!
Keep visiting and thank you for doing it!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 2/23/15
Some recent music up in the Live section!
More updates shall be coming soon!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 1/31/15
First song of 2015 up on the home page!
Riff of the month has also been updated!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 12/31/14
Check out the latest Live stuff!
There are two other riffs up in the monthly section!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 11/30/14
Aw yea! New song up on the home page!
Other updates are abound and more are to come!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 10/30/14
It’s update time!
First off, check out Fiery One on the home page!
Secondly, As you may have noticed….Initial Test Page is no more!
Its days were numbered but in its place is a page that is very exciting!
Riff of the Month is now launched!
Check out the other sections too!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 9/21/14
Another song is up on the Home Page!
Check out Open Roads Not Closed!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 8/14/14
Some more Live stuff is up!
You know where!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 7/23/14
3 Years Running! Go ATMUSIC.NET!!! Lol
New song on the home page!
Visit again soon as more updates are on the way!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 6/30/14
New song on the home page!
Enjoy your summer!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 5/28/14
What I Want is now up on the home page!
It’s gettin warmer!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 4/27/14
New Live Stuff up on the Live page!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 3/31/14
Hey peoples!
Invisible Technology is on the home page!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 3/5/14
New pics are up!
I’m workin on some new stuff so stay tuned!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 2/10/14
Unknown Lover is up on the Home Page!
Pics probably otw!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 1/20/14
2014 Baby! Lol happy new Year!
Home Page updated!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 12/23/13
2014 is upon us!
Stone Hard is still 2013 though so go Check It Out on the Home Page!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 11/27/13
You Can’t Leave has been updated for the 3rd time!
This update was for me as much as it was for you. I just needed to fix the end vocals. Anyhow…this ones for your listening pleasure lol!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 11/26/13
The Live section has been updated!
More updates OTW!!!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 10/28/13
New video is up!
Enjoy your Halloween!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 10/8/13
You Can’t Leave is updated on the home page!
A video is in the works.
- *******************************************************************************************
- 9/29/13
You Can’t Leave is up on the home page.
Maybe a video next?!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 8/26/13
One by One is on the Home page!
More updates are a comin!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 7/19/13
A new take of Cup of Love is in IAOO! Also, thanks for checking out the site!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 7/17/13
Home page is updated with Cup of Love! The 2nd Anniversary of the site is this month!!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 6/23/13
New version of Ripples is in Instances and other Occurrences! It is definitely amped.
- *******************************************************************************************
- 5/31/13
Hey check out the new music and other updates in the Live section!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 4/30/13
Ripples is now up on the home page!
Probably going to put up some Live stuff next so stop on by soon!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 3/31/13
Hey hey hey! Wonder is now up on the home page!
Pics have been added!
The location of the photos is superb!
email- Ashu@ATMusic.net
- *******************************************************************************************
- 2/26/13
Hello everyone! Ran into some unexpected Trouble with the site today. After messing around with the software updates and what not I resolved the issue. Thus, the new song is up on the home page!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 1/10/13
Go listen to the new song up in the IAOO section and have a happy new year while you’re at it!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 12/12/12
Hello Hello!
New Live Stuff is up!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 11/26/12
Pull Through is up!
Pics possibly next!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 10/22/12
Untapped Mind is now up on the home page!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 9/30/12
New song is up!
Turn out yo!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 8/28/12
Home page has a new song on it!
From Here is up!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 7/30/12
New song- Plain ol’Blues up on the home page!
One year anniversary for the site!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 6/30/12
Some recent live stuff has been added!
- *******************************************************************************************
Pics posted! Song uploaded! Summer started!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 5/30/12
New song, Soul Flyin is up!
New pics will be coming soon.
Also some more live stuff should be on its way.
- *******************************************************************************************
- 4/24/12
I have added a new section!
Live is now up and running.
This will be in the place of a new song this month. Enjoy!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 3/31/12
New song up just in time for April! No foolin!
Visit the home page.
- *******************************************************************************************
- 2/27/12
Hi! No way I was gonna let this leap year February slip away with out some new songs!
Thus, Sugarin’ the Morning and Night Salt are up on the home page.
- *******************************************************************************************
- 1/20/12
New song for the new year ya hear! Lol
Check out Change to Count!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 12/12/11
A duo of new songs are up!
Love at First Sight on the home page and Double Take in the Videos section!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 11/21/11
New song is up!
Take a Trip!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 11/1/11
Hello! I figured I’d start the month off right with a new song and new pics!
Check out Remembrance!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 10/16/11
New song- IOU is up!
I know I said pics may be next… but I wanted to get this song up ASAP.
Pics otw!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 10/2/11
New song!
Girl with the Wind is up!
Pics will probably be next.
- *******************************************************************************************
- 9/23/11
Happy Fall!
New version of Yellow in Blue in Instances and Other Occurrences!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 9/19/11
New song is up!
Go check out Functional Family!
New stuff soon!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 9/8/11
New pics are up!
Yellow in Blue has been updated!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 9/1/11
New song!- Yellow in Blue
Pics will be coming next!
Ah I’ve also been meaning to put up a contact email if anyone wants to chat or something- Ashu@ATMusic.net
- *******************************************************************************************
- 8/18/11
Two new songs up!
Its That Time and Again!
Check em out at the home page and video section!
- *******************************************************************************************
- 8/15/11
New pictures up!
New music on the way.
- *******************************************************************************************
- 8/8/11
Currents has been updated!
Respective sections have been updated respectively. Lol
Some photos have been taken down at the behest of more than one person but more will be up soon.
- *******************************************************************************************
- 8/5/11
Videos Section added!
The Currents are up!
I decided to forgo the pictures for now in favor of the videos… But its okay the next ones up I’ll be sure to shave and all that 😉 lol
- *******************************************************************************************
- 7/31/11
New Pictures up!
I may also put some more up tomorrow… possibly with gel? Lol
- *******************************************************************************************
- 7/29/11
New page- Instances and Other Occurrences
Maybe I’ll get pics up later today?
- *******************************************************************************************
- 7/25/11
New song update- Reality
Pictures on the way
- *******************************************************************************************
Whats up every body and Welcome to my site… ATmusic.net… Now I’m on the web…on the internet… now I’m on the web… on the internet… OK folks so lets go now to the updating:↓
- 7/15/11
Videos Section is coming..
More pics too
New songs of course!
Sayanora for now!
Oh Yes I should note: I am open to ideas for adding cool things to the site. Contact me and we shall see any ideas put forth.